Grow With It


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The ‘Grow With It’ initiative is an annual programme designed to support school and community groups to get gardening and share knowledge and resources.

Each year, the Grow With It campaign focuses on a unique citizen science enquiry. In 2024, our focus will be on:

“How can we make better growing choices in a changing climate?”

Plant Co-operative, the dedicated team behind the NOMA gardens, have been chosen as program champions for the RHS Grow With It campaign 2024.

Together with our local primary school, Co-op Academy New Islington, we’re embarking on a journey to explore which sunflower varieties thrive best in our unique city center environment.

Throughout the growing journey from seed to towering sunflower, the pupils will be collecting data on how the plants are growing and how they are caring for them, contributing to an interactive map showcasing the collective efforts and impact of our community of growers.

Citizen science of this nature is instrumental in building a picture of how our changing climate is affecting growing around the country, offering invaluable insights into adapting our approaches for the future.

For more details on the project please click here.